#10: Alice Fishburn, editor, FT Weekend Magazine


Kassia and Simon interview Alice Fishburn, editor of the Financial Times Weekend Magazine. They discuss how she got her start in journalism, where the magazine sits within the rest of the FT’s offerings, and why longform journalism seems to be valued less in the UK than the US.

Some of the FT Weekend Magazine pieces mentioned in the interview are:

‘Has science cracked the peanut allergy?’: https://www.ft.com/content/682bb942-4583-11e7-8d27-59b4dd6296b8

‘Out of road: driverless vehicles and the end of the trucker’: https://www.ft.com/content/2d70469c-140a-11e7-b0c1-37e417ee6c76

Kassia and Simon interview Alice Fishburn, editor of the Financial Times Weekend Magazine.


#11: Tom Jennings, director, Logan Nonfiction Programme


#9: Sara Baume, novelist